Function exchange(ByVal Myinput) Dim Temp, TempA, MyinputA, MyinputB, MyinputC Dim Place As String Dim J As Integer Place = "だàじ珺ㄕ窾珺ㄕ货珺ㄕ窾" integer1 = "滁禠把竩ヮ嘲琺╤" integer2 = "俱箂じ箂箂箂窾箂箂箂货箂箂箂窾" digitvalue = "" If Myinput < 0 Then digitvalue = "璽" Myinput = Int(Abs(Myinput) * 100 + 0.5) If Myinput > 999999999999999# Then exchange = "计び" Exit Function End If If Myinput = 0 Then exchange = "箂じ箂だ" Exit Function End If MyinputA = Trim(Str(Myinput)) digitlength = Len(MyinputA) For J = 1 To digitlength MyinputB = Mid(MyinputA, J, 1) & MyinputB Next For J = 1 To digitlength Temp = Val(Mid(MyinputB, J, 1)) If Temp = 0 Then MyinputC = Mid(integer2, J, 1) & MyinputC Else MyinputC = Mid(integer1, Temp, 1) & Mid(Place, J, 1) & MyinputC End If Next digitlength = Len(MyinputC) For J = 1 To digitlength - 1 If Mid(MyinputC, J, 1) = "箂" Then Select Case Mid(MyinputC, J + 1, 1) Case "箂", "じ", "窾", "货", "俱": MyinputC = Left(MyinputC, J - 1) & Mid(MyinputC, J + 1, 30) J = J - 1 End Select End If Next digitlength = Len(MyinputC) For J = 1 To digitlength - 1 If Mid(MyinputC, J, 1) = "货" And Mid(MyinputC, J + 1, 1) = "窾" Then MyinputC = Left(MyinputC, J) & Mid(MyinputC, J + 2, 30) Exit For End If Next exchange = digitvalue & Trim(MyinputC) End Function